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Programme for 2024-25

Picture Gallery

Click on the link above for a list of our new programme for the 2024-5 season

The Society can be contacted by email  secretary@shirenewtonlocalhistorysociety.co.uk

Self Guided Walks - Still some left - Now only £3

A few years ago the society produced two packs of self guided walks around Shirenewton.  We still have some of these and they would make great gifts for walkers and anyone interested in exploring the area on footpaths and rights of way.  Enjoy the beautiful scenery by following these carefully prepared walks.  The packs are £3 each and are entitled "Six Historical Walks Around Shirenewton" and "Six More Historic Walks".  If you are local see Dorothy or email the secretary at the above email address.  We can mail you your purchases with a small additional cost for Post and Packaging.


Explore our history...

Shirenewton Local History Society

Shirenewton Local History Society was established in 2001 to support and stimulate the study and understanding of the local history of this corner of Wales. The society's area includes the villages of Shirenewton, Mynydd-bach, Earlswood and West Newchurch, together with the adjacent parish of Itton-with-Howick.

The society is building up a picture of the area's past, who the people were, where they lived and how they went about their daily lives. The society also helps members and visitors explore the history, geography, architecture and traditions of the area – from prehistoric sites such as Gray Hill (pictured on the left) to the parishes' industrial, agricultural and cultural past – and to make information and advice available to groups and individuals who share our interest.

Cymdeithas Hanesyddol Lleol Drenewydd Gelli-farch

I chwi ymuno a ni yn ein taith ymchwil o hanes etifeddiaith lleol. Cewch gyfle I ddarganfod am y gorffennol, pwy oedd y bobl, eu cynefin a’u bywyd dyddiol. Cewch hefyd bleser darganfod trysorau hynafol a tystiolaeth o arferion cyn-hanesyddol y pentrefi a cefn gwlad. Er mwyn darganfod mwy, tarwch y botwm...